On May 10 and 11, 2022 in the village of Sratosel near the city of Plovdiv, the Regional Development Agency with Business Support Centre for Small and Medium Enterprises held a two-day training under the project PRO-ENERGY: Promoting energy efficiency in public buildings on territory of the Balkans – Mediterranean. The participants in the training sessions were representatives of regional and municipal administrations, universities, employers’ organizations and companies.
Engineer-manager Velizar Petrov, Executive Director of the Regional Development Agency with Business Support Centre for Small and Medium Enterprises, moderator of the event, opened and briefly presented the project itself.
Later, external lecturers-experts in energy efficiency presented the training modules related to the legislative framework for energy efficiency; energy efficiency of buildings: European Union objectives, energy control, energy efficiency measures; energy saving; energy behaviour – measures for feedback, feedback and goal setting; ways to save energy; good practices for energy saving in public buildings.
The participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with many practical examples, as well as to find answers to many of their questions. The training was an opportunity to generate many future ideas related to energy efficiency in public buildings.
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