For the first time RDA BSC SME (Agency for Regional Development with Business Center for Small and Medium Enterprises) held a hybrid conference (online and offline) under the project PRO-ENERGY: Promoting energy efficiency in public buildings in the Balkans – Mediterranean .
It was held on June 24, 2021 at the International Fair Plovdiv. Speakers at the event were prominent experts – arch. Belin Mollov, Petya Nesheva, engineer-manager Velizar Petrov. The Joint Strategy and Action Plan for Energy Efficiency, developed within the project, as well as the activities of AUER (Agency for Sustainable Energy Development) were presented. The participants got acquainted with the project and what has been achieved so far.
“The need to raise awareness and understanding of citizens about the need to care about energy in society is important for the adoption of other important policy measures, which may be unpopular or controversial,” – said Arch. Mollov in a holy presentation.
Mr. Petrov shared that the building of UARD (University of agribusiness and rural development), an honorary member of RDA BC SME, was chosen as a pilot for the project. The building was audited and energy efficiency measures were prescribed. Its certification is forthcoming. The project will train energy managers and representatives of public authorities to increase their awareness, knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of energy efficiency in public buildings.
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